Speeding Ticket — May 22, 2024

police man and police woman plastic toy on fllow

🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
Bad Boy👮


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. The smile I get when I remember “that look.”
  2. My ability to learn new industries.
  3. Moments when I realize how far I’ve come from where I was to where I am.

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Five. OK then.

Wordle 1,068 5/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Today’s result: PERFECTO! The stupidest yellows ever.

Puzzle #346

The song in my head when I woke up: “Broken,” by Jonah Kagen

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up: what can I do when I’m not friends with my reflection?/When I don’t understand affection like you do?

Commute Tunes: My drive to the office yesterday was done to the Tony Kornheiser Show podcast.

Something I’m looking forward to today: My new phone arrives at work today.

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: Tattoo Saturday!

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: Some time with Jonah, shuttling him to a pre-wedding haircut, then enjoying Chipotle and then taking him to a choir practice.

What I’m writing: Yesterday’s Two Crappy Pages involved writing a story for a Johnny Boy Marketing client about a guy who used to do artificial intelligence/data strategy for IndyCar, including Andretti Autosport.

What I’ve written: Arming the Defenders: Yan Chen predicted the rise of security as a main focus for information technology nearly two decades ago. Now he teaches MSIT students the latest techniques to thwart the crippling effects of hacker attacks.

I was on an unfamiliar country road on Sunday after a heartbreaking 13-11 extra-inning baseball loss that knocked us out of our weekend tournament. Boy The Younger was by my side. We were hot. Sweaty. Disgusting. Each of us was looking forward to a shower and some time not on extra-sweltery turf.

I was going 60 mph when my GPS told me to turn right. So I did. On my right was a school. Reminder: It was Sunday. Though we have homeschooled our children, I’m pretty sure there’s no school in session on Sunday for just about anyone anywhere. Unless you’re in The Breakfast Club, and even that was a Saturday.

I was moving along toward I-70 at about 45 mph when I saw a sign that said “25 mph.” Again, it was Sunday. But I didn’t see anything on the sign that said “Monday through Friday” or “Use your damn common sense.” Regardless, I took my foot off the gas pedal and coasted.

By the time I passed the cop that appeared just ahead, I was going no more than 30. I was more than a little surprised when I saw him pull out and get behind me. I was even more surprised when I saw his lights on.

I pulled over. Kept my hands on the steering wheel. Was polite as could be.

And the bastard still gave me a ticket. Not only that, he gave it to me for going 20 over the speed limit.

So I’m going to court. And this is why people hate cops.

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