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Wedding Emotions — April 27, 2024

woman wearing white wedding gown holding hands with man while walking

Photo by Jeremy Wong on

🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
Movie and Music🎥


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. A good celebratory dinner with Wifey Poo at Brick House Tavern + Tap.
  2. The realization of how far I have come and how I got to where I am.
  3. An empty shelter.

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Five. It took awhile to get there!

Wordle 1,043 5/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Today’s result: Five. ShouldaCoulda been four

Puzzle #321

The song in my head when I woke up: For the second time, the random appearance of a song I don’t typically listen to, Peace of Mind,” by Boston

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up: All I want is to have my peace of mind

Date Tunes: Wifey Poo and I both have fond memories of Kenny Rogers, pre Roasters days. She remembers roller skating around her basement listening to his greatest hits album-yes-album. I remember my father listening to his eight-track of Kenny while cleaning fish tanks on a Saturday, a long hose snaked from tank to kitchen sink, per usual. So we listened to some Kenny tunes last night on our date drive.

Incidentally, on Lucile, when I was a kid, I thought Kenny was singing, “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille/With four hundred children and a crop in the field.” So I asked my father why he had four hundred children and was told the actual line is “four hungry children.” The crop in the field wouldn’t be such a problem if there were four hundred children to help harvest it.

Something I’m looking forward to today: Day 1 of our baseball tournament, perhaps. Waiting to see if the fields are playable after yesterday’s rains.

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: Finishing up much of the work I’ve got to do for my old gig before I start the transition into my new one.

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: The great conversation Wifey Poo and I had at our date.

What I’m writing: Yesterday’s Two Crappy Pages involved no writing but work for the video I’m making for Boy The Elder’s rehearsal dinner/wedding.

What I’ve written: ‘Recognizing the Value of Collaboration:’ Kyle Hanrahan talks about how the EMDC program gave him the necessary skills to work better with the many stakeholders in large-scale construction projects at Osborn Engineering.

Today’s Stoic Though of the Day: “How short-lived, the praiser and the praised.” — Marcus Aurelius

John’s translation of Today’s STD: “Strive all you want for money and status. You can’t take that shit with you, and there is a tremendous opportunity cost you’re spending in the pursuit of them. So maybe calm the fuck down.”

My son is getting married. This, of course, is not new information. I was there when he needed to talk about buying a ring. I was there to provide my imagination when he wanted to create a truly memorable engagement. I was there to help execute that engagement plan (to near perfection, I might add). I’ve been there as the months have now turned into mere weeks and we’re right up against the truth that my son. Boy The Elder. That kid? He’s getting married.

Yesterday, I did a ton of work on the video I’ve been asked to make to show at their rehearsal dinner and wedding. It’s a love story of photos of the two of them throughout their lives and with the people who have been with them along the journey. So much of their lives were spent apart growing up. And then suddenly, there are photos of them together, being goofballs at their first major date — a dance — and while fishing or watching the Chiefs or worshipping in church.

To say making that video brought up some emotions is to understand, “Yup, that’s John.”

It was another incident, though, that really hammered home the point of how emotional this experience is. I was just finishing up shaving Friday night and Wifey Poo came into the bedroom in tears. Wifey Poo doesn’t cry much. But she was last night. Why? Because BTE had texted her with a song suggestion that they dance to at the wedding. It was Humble and Kind, by Tim McGraw, and Wifey Poo had just listened to the song and really felt the lyrics for the first time.

Her baby is getting married. The one who, when Facebook would ID photos for you, would constant tag his photos as of her, much to his embarrassment. The one whom she helped guide as I struggled through my dark days. The one who came to us after the sadness of losing his older brother.

So yeah, of course Wifey Poo was crying. The weight of this suddenly hit us both yesterday. But as she said, “And he’s going to be living 10 minutes down the road! That’s close to us than he is now!”

She’s right, of course, but emotions aren’t always rational, and there’s a difference between an unmarried son at Mizzou an hour away and a married son in O’Fallon 10 minutes away.

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