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Two Johns — May 28, 2024

man and woman hugging on brown field

Photo by Josh Willink on

🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
Broken 🎶
Democracy and Newspapers🗞️
Big Emotions💞


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. Tylenol
  2. Naps
  3. Hugs

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Five. I’ll take it.

Wordle 1,074 5/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Today’s result: Seven. I had no clue the blues were a thing.

Puzzle #352

The song in my head when I woke up:Broken,” by Jonah Kager

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up:  I’m broken, tell you I’m fine/But you wouldn’t believe me if you knew the things that crossed my mind/And I’m hurting, but I show no sign/’Cause I’m afraid to give in, break down, and waste your time

Commute Tunes: Songs from John’s Ultimate Chill Song Compendium:

Something I’m looking forward to today: Drinking whiskey and smoking a cigar with my son.

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: Boy The Elder’s wedding is Sunday!

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: Seeing Boy The Elder, his fiance, his brother and a whole bunch of friends hanging out, laughing, having a great time.

What I’m writing: It’s Tuesday, which means it’s time for News Nuggies! Today we’re talking about a get-undrunk-fast gel, a turning point in human history, stupid Muricans and asteroids.

What I’ve written: Democracy and Newspapers


Today is one of those days when there’s a ton of inside me that I’m feeling, a ton inside me that I want to say, but I don’t have the words, and even if I did, I don’t have a listener. Not for the words that I don’t seem to have, anyway.

This isn’t a new thing. It just hasn’t happened for a while. I’m pretty sure it’s just me having one of those Big Emotion days, which can be correlated to any number of things — from the coming wedding of Boy The Elder to the fact that I’ve been unable to shake this cold/virus/whatever the hell it is for more than a week now.

I think the closest I can get to what I’m feeling is this:

There are two Johns. One John lives in this logical world in which everything makes sense. Ironically enough, it’s a jigsaw puzzle, and all the pieces are there, the picture is clear, and it’s easy to assemble. Assembling it feels good, because it’s good when things fit.

The other John is the one that struggles to burst out. He wants adventure. Fun. Passion. For this John, life is abstract and definitely not a precise puzzle with pieces laser-cut to fit exactly so. This John things wild thoughts and considers wild actions and reflects on wild times and smiles.

These two Johns hate each other. And for good reason.

Days like today? They come about when the second John tries to assert himself or when he feels neglected or stifled by the first John.

I know none of this makes much sense, if any. But that’s what I’ve got today. So there it is.

Would you please help a brutha out? I’ve created a weekly eNewsletter called News-B-Nuts in which I’ll be sending out news nuggets and witty commentary to subscribers. If you can, would you support this endeavor for just $5 a month via Patreon?

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