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Married! — June 3, 2024

selective focus photography of silver colored engagement ring set with pink bow accent on throw pillow

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🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
With You🎶
The Purple Guy💜
Really Real?💍


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. The Core Four officially becoming The Fab Five.
  2. An amazingly fun time at Boy The Elder’s wedding.
  3. The love that filled that room yesterday.

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Four. Shoulda been three, but my fingers aren’t awake yet and I typoed.

Wordle 1,080 4/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Today’s result: PERFECTO! And sometimes I think the Purple Guy goes a bit too far.

Puzzle #358

The song in my head when I woke up: “I’m With You,” by Avril Lavigne

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up: I’m looking for a place/I’m searching for a face/Is anybody here I know/’Cause nothing’s going right/And everything’s a mess/And no one likes to be alone

Wedding Tunes: Yesterday’s drive to the wedding was done to songs from my Nu Rock playlist:

Something I’m looking forward to today: A nap. Or two. Or three.

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: Back to baseball action this coming weekend.

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: The wedding.

What I’m writing: Yesterday’s Two Crappy Pages involved nothing. I’ll get back to writing soon.

What I’ve written: South Korea Provides a Road Map for Dementia Insurance, the first story I ghost-wrote for my new company.

I woke up this morning around 7 after going to bed just after 1 a.m., and my first thought was, “Did that really happy last night?” After a day of waiting around for 5:30 p.m. to arrive, suddenly Boy The Elder was married and there I was, on the dance floor — dancing, no less! — as the party proceeded around me.

There was so much love in that place yesterday. So many people who had been there for BTE from the start, who had been there for our family from the start, celebrated along with us … and it looked like the United Nations, too! There were people from India, people from Vietnam … it was really cool.

What there wasn’t was any drama, and that’s just the way it should be. It took way too long to get to that point, but by the time the nuptials happened, those who should have been there were there and those who shouldn’t have been weren’t. It’s ironic that my now-daughter-in-law and I had similar situations we had to deal with in advance of the wedding, and we dealt with them as the adults that our parents weren’t. Thus, everything about last night was good, and I am happy about that.

So … now what? BTE and the DIL are setting up their home and are preparing to leave for Punta Cana tomorrow morning. I’m absolutely exhausted and have baseball practice tonight in preparation for our tournament this weekend. Wifey Poo is doing what Wifey Poo does, finishing off a breakfast she organized for out-of-town guests, and again, those guests were all about love and nothing about the drama that has for far too long pocked this family.

Tomorrow, I’ll return to work and my side business. There will be stories to write and social media posts to craft and meetings to attend. After a few months off due to general busyness, I sent out a notification to the guys for a return of Poker Night in July. Life will return to whatever the hell normal is in my world.

My son is married. Married. I have a daughter-in-law. I say these things, and they don’t quite seem fully real yet, almost translucent. I’m sure they will solidify in time, but for right now, they are kinda-sorta-real, at best.

Anywho, some random wedding notes:

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