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Hired — April 26, 2024

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
Free Agent🧠
Getting The Job🤝


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. A new job.
  2. Sleeping past when there’s a “4” on the clock.
  3. Watching my baseball team practice yesterday. Our infield, especially, looked sharp.

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Four. That changed from nuthin’ to sumthin’ very quickly.

Wordle 1,042 4/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Today’s result: Five. Ok, Purple Guy … that was a stretch

Puzzle #320

The song in my head when I woke up: “Run-Around,” by Blues Traveler

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up: And when you’re feeling open I’ll still be here/But not without a certain degree of fear

Commute Tunes: No commute today. But my drive to and from baseball practice was done to some classic rock.

Something I’m looking forward to today: Date night celebration with Wifey Poo

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: Boy The Younger’s choir concert next Thursday.

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: Getting the phone call I was hoping for early in the day.

What I’m writing: Yesterday’s Two Crappy Pages involved a story for a Johnny Boy Marketing client about a master’s student whose independent project involved getting three drones to sync and do a slow-exposure light painting.

What I’ve written: ‘The Olympics for Climate Change:’ Aman Shaikh (MEM ‘24) traveled to Dubai to experience COP28. Now he’s focused on finding a way to mitigate climate change.

Today’s Stoic Though of the Day: “The one who is harmed is the one who abides in deceit and ignorance.” — Marcus Aurelius

John’s translation of Today’s STD: “So you remember a time I said something different from what I am saying today, believed something different from what I believe today, acted in a way that is different from how I act today? That’s because I am a free agent, and I am always open to learning, to being corrected and enlightened. I live from one day to the next. Point out a legit flaw in my beliefs or actions and I won’t think you’re criticizing me. I’ll think you are giving be a better alternative. And I will adapt. Those who stay stuck in their initial beliefs are politicians or the uber-religious. Be better than that.”

I got the job. As of May 13, I’ll be the new senior writer for RGA — the Reinsurance Group of America. There is a lot to be said about why I was looking for a new position, why I accepted a new position, and why I’m excited about the new opportunity, but most of that is for another day.

The most important thing to say right now is how excited I am. Insurance and reinsurance aren’t the most sexy topics in the world, but no matter the topic, if you find the people, you’ll find the stories. I am more than thrilled to have the word “writer” in my title. In general, I don’t give a rip about titles, but this one explains exactly who I am more than any other title I’ve ever had. I’m getting closer and closer to being a senior, and I am most definitely a writer. Always have been. Always will be.

I consider what I do with words a gift from God. I am by no means the best writer, and I don’t really know if I’m even a good writer, by whatever definition you might apply, but I do know that I am happy when I’m writing, I love writing, I do writing for a job, for a side gig and for a hobby, and it’s nice that someone will pay me enough to support my family well to do that.

At this point in my career, that’s really all I care about. It’s nice to not have to deal with social media management, to pretend I give a rip what influencers do on Insta or TikTok, to not have to be a one-person show for a company that won’t hire the marketing staff to match its operational size.

It’s nice to just … write.

Would you please help a brutha out? I’ve created a weekly eNewsletter called News-B-Nuts in which I’ll be sending out news nuggets and witty commentary to subscribers. If you can, would you support this endeavor for just $5 a month via Patreon?

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