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Cooped Up — April 2, 2024

low section of man against sky

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🧩 Today’s Puzzle Pieces 🧩
Run-Around 🎶
Hard-Knock Life 🪨
Irritating 🐛


Three Things I’m Grateful For Today:

  1. Rolling thunderstorms as I fall asleep.
  2. Finishing a book.
  3. Picking up a random rock while I’m on a walk and adding it to my collection.

Pursuit of Wordle Godhood: Today’s result: Four again.

Wordle 1,018 4/6


Pursuit of Connections Godhood: Perfecto! And probably the fastest I’ve ever done one of these.

Puzzle #296

The song in my head when I woke up: “Run-Around,” by Blues Traveler.

Favorite line from the song in my head when I woke up: I couldn’t escape the memory/Of a phone call and of what you said

Commute Tunes: I’ve been settling into my John’s Ultimate Chill Song Compendium a lot lately, and this morning was no exception.

Something I’m looking forward to today: Going home. I’m not wanting to do the whole people thing today, it seems.

Something I’m looking forward to in the next seven days: A freaking eclipse.

Something I’m grateful for from yesterday: Getting a whole bunch of stuff done to finalize plans for my baseball team’s trip to Branson this weekend.

What I’m writing: Yesterday’s Two Crappy Pages involved only yesterday’s Puzzle Pieces, a newsletter for my baseball team and some journaling.

What I’ve written: Life is Hard

Today’s Stoic Though of the Day: “Drama, combat, terror, numbness, and subservience–every day these things wipe out your sacred principles, whenever your mind entertains them uncritically or lets them slip in.” — Marcus Aurelius

John’s translation of Today’s STD: “Hey dumbass. Yeah, you. Put down the phone. Log off that social media shit. Turn off the news. Guard your fucking sacred space and don’t be influenced by all the negative bullshit out there. Shine, motherfucker. Shine.”

Honestly? I struggled like a motherfucker trying to figure out what to put in this space today. Why? Because I seem to be in an exceedingly bad mood and am generally irritated with the state of the world and the people in it this morning. I’m not sure exactly why.

Oh, there’s the typical stuff. My neck still hurts. My shoulder aches from my fall last week. All the crap I wrote about yesterday regarding March’s insistence on draining my finances apparently is going to continue in April, as the spring on the garage door on Wifey Poo’s side of the garage snapped (I can relate, spring. I can relate). All this stuff that makes up my life seems to be going too damn fast today and all the hats I wear seem to be ill-fitting, blood-flow-restricting head nooses.

But it feels like more than that today. I’m just … off.

What do I want most? To just leave. Leave this office. Leave all the responsibilities of life — at least for a while. I want to go have an adventure. To do something that isn’t supposed-to, that’s totally random and sketchy and that I’ll regret later (to some degree, at least).

I guess I’m just feeling really cooped up. It’s not a new thing. It just hasn’t been this strong in a while.

Would you please help a brutha out? I’ve created a weekly eNewsletter called News-B-Nuts in which I’ll be sending out news nuggets and witty commentary to subscribers. If you can, would you support this endeavor for just $5 a month via Patreon?

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